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Trump and Gays

Donald Trump taking a new turn towards embracing the gays?

Donald Trump gave to the LGBT community a historic shout-out, while the Republican National Convention was taken by surprise. Recently, nearly 49 Americans were murdered in Orlando, Florida by terrorists and in an acceptance speech Trump said, ‘As your president, I will protect LGBTQ citizens when in my power’.  This was unexpected and took to shock the conservative delegates who habitually heard their representative opposing equality in marriage and more, embracing the gays. However, the crowd cheered in approval and Trump said he was pleased to hear them cheer for that he said.

Right from last week, the gay Republicans viewed Trump as the LGBT candidate and the anti-LGBT platforms are holding off their endorsement to ever nominate by conservatives.  However, in the past, a strategic change is made with respect to LGBT issues. Three different RNC speakers spoke in their speeches about LGBT equality. To highlight this Eric Trump Foundation vice president, Lynne Patton, shocked delegates with just three short words ‘LGBTQ lives matter’.

The complete scenario was changed when Ted Cruz, who upset his delegates by not endorsing Trump in his speech, literally took people by surprise as he gave LGBT a shout out and said ‘Freedom means freedom to all, regardless of whether you are a Christian, Muslim or Jew, atheist, straight or gay’.

Likewise, Newt Gingrich, the former House Speaker, who is short-listed for VP by Trump, made an appeal saying to LGBT people, as in the Islamic State and Iran, the gays, the transgender citizens and lesbians will be put to death, if the enemies had their way.

Peter Thiel, PayPal co-founder and a gay billionaire openly spoke for the first time at the Republican National Convention and at the Cleveland gathering, he was the only gay speaker. He said, he was proud to be a gay and also to be a Republican and very proud to be an American.

With these RNC speeches, there was a reason for the gay conservatives to smile, while the others are hesitant to understand this transformation with respect to LGBT community.

Donald Trump has been a strong opponent of marriage equality and has now shocked people by embracing the anti-LGBTQ law. Trump said he will sign the FADA, the First Amendment Defense Act that will enable discrimination in Kim Davis-style across the country. In fact, to utter dismay, Donald Trump has denied offering support to the Equality Act. Time will tell as to what his true motives and actions will be. Let us just say we are dubious.

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